Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Advertising Objectives

The marketer for this ad did a good job identifying a very common problem with vacuum cleaners. I'd say the communication objective was to reach buyers who have experienced the common problem of their vacuum cleaner losing suction power. This ad did a great job reaching me because all of the vacuums that I have owned in the past had lost most of their suction power very quickly. I'd be willing to guess that sales for Dyson would increase after ads like this because it identifies an ongoing problem with related products. Both Communication and Sales objectives would be important for this particular ad.

In this BMW ad I believe that the objective of the marketer clearly was to steal some of Audi's customers. Audi and BMW are two very competitive automobile companies located in Germany. Audi and BMW cars are similar in many ways so comparative advertising works well. Personally, I'd take either or for a car. However, now that I have seen this ad I'd rather have the BMW since it was world car of the year in 2006. Another communication objective may be to get the message out that BMW offers excellent quality. Comparing them to Audi is effective because most people tend to think of Audi as a high end car. Now those people may think of BMW as a better all around car than Audi. Winning a world car of the year award is much more difficult than winning South Africa car of the year award. Again, increasing sales would most likely be an objective as well. Giving BMW a better image may also be the marketers objective.

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