Wednesday, January 13, 2010


My name is Chris and this is my first time making a blog. It took a while for me to figure out how to enable cookies and javascript, but I finally made it! I'm from Marshfield and I am going to school for business management and marketing. Both of my parents each have over 20+ years of sales experience, so I guess you could say that I have a lot to live up to! So far I have enjoyed almost all of my classes and am really excited about this semester.

Every morning I start my day off by brewing a pot of coffee and analyzing the stock market. Working and school occupy most of my time although I do have every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off, which allows me to catch up on homework. I love to travel and intend on doing more as I grow older. If anyone has any recommendations on where to visit, don't be afraid to let me know. I also like to mountain bike and have been to Standing Rocks on numerous occasions. During the summer I spend most of my free time golfing.

Although I am not terrible at operating computers, I am not very familiar with blackboard or blogging. I have never taken an online or hybrid course until now, but look forward to learning new things. I like the fact how all of the courses I'm taking pertain to my field of study unlike the UW system. It is also nice that all of my classes will transfer to Lakeland University if I decide to pursue a bachelors degree. Anyways, I look forward to a great semester!

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